the monsters roared...
jaelyn (who is five) left kindergarten after a day where they talked about voting, having been one of 3 (out of 21) five year olds who voted for Kerry, and said to Lynn as she left:
"They said that John Kerry kills babies."
On my way home from school yesterday, in our freshly minted GWAmerica Part II, I listened to Gary Bauer, formerly of the Family Research something, now head of the American Conservative something, explain that the one value that united Americans was an opposition to any kind of civil union for homosexuals. (this in the face of exit polls that described americans as 20% supporting gay marraige, 50% supporting civil unions and 30% opposing unions of any kind.)
It's an odd experience to live in a village where the MONSTERS who roam outside of our borders are:
-- teenage girls who fear being labelled as "loose"
-- and young welfare moms and women who have no power at all in the worlds where they "pass" terrified that someone will find out that about their pregnancy or their lack of choices
-- people who have been ostracized and minimized and hated all their lives based on desires they did not choose and who desperately want lives inside of the village
Have you not seen the village yet? if you haven't then you won't remember who gives the monsters their awful voice....but its worth remembering....
ahh the "moral values" of american evangelicals....
"They said that John Kerry kills babies."
On my way home from school yesterday, in our freshly minted GWAmerica Part II, I listened to Gary Bauer, formerly of the Family Research something, now head of the American Conservative something, explain that the one value that united Americans was an opposition to any kind of civil union for homosexuals. (this in the face of exit polls that described americans as 20% supporting gay marraige, 50% supporting civil unions and 30% opposing unions of any kind.)
It's an odd experience to live in a village where the MONSTERS who roam outside of our borders are:
-- teenage girls who fear being labelled as "loose"
-- and young welfare moms and women who have no power at all in the worlds where they "pass" terrified that someone will find out that about their pregnancy or their lack of choices
-- people who have been ostracized and minimized and hated all their lives based on desires they did not choose and who desperately want lives inside of the village
Have you not seen the village yet? if you haven't then you won't remember who gives the monsters their awful voice....but its worth remembering....
ahh the "moral values" of american evangelicals....
This week, most evangelicals celebrate the re-election of G.W. Bush and the decisive defeat of gay marriage (or any similar union) in our state constitution.
I haven't had time to celebrate. I'm the pastor of an evangelical church, so I've been busy preparing for the onslaught of repentant homosexuals who will undoubtedly be seeking forgiveness and redemption at my church, as a result of this moral victory.
It's already Friday and I'm surprised they haven't shown up yet. Certainly this compelling demonstration of legislative power will draw them toward a healing in Jesus.
As an added bonus, the logs of greed, indifference to poverty, and ambivalence toward injustice will be far less noticeable as we rally around this moral victory:
*The forced removal of specs from the marginalized eyes of those who have been most ignored by the evangelical church*
Strangely... the revival hasn't started. Perhaps it will begin next week as clarity sets in.
Even if it doesn't, we've still preserved the sanctity of marriage. Now people can look to our pure hetorosexual marriages and see a picture of God's character (in our high divorice rates and escalating spousal abuse).
A line had to be drawn. Otherewise people would be allowed to have multiple wives (like most of the heroes of our faith), and mary animals (because animals can sign their names, and enter into legally binding agreements).
-Mortified in Muskegon
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